
Il Programma Virgilio per i nuovi imprenditori

  • Assiste la nuova imprenditoria nell’avviamento dell’attivita’ dal 1997
  • Nelle fasi cruciali per le piccole imprese di
    • Posizionamento strategico
    • Ingresso nel mercato
    • Consolidamento organizzativo
    • Impostazione economica
  • Opera con professionisti rotariani come tutori volontari in qualsiasi settore e con flessibilità e senza burocrazia
  • Convenzionato con CCIAA, università ed istituzioni
  • Iscritto all’albo del volontariato



Assists new entrepreneurs since 1997

In line with its vocation of providing Services to Society, Rotary has decided to provide and share the Management Experiences of its members to neo-entrepreneurs. This service is made available as a direct result of the Virgilio Program which was commenced in 1997. The Program provides tutoring and support by Rotary members, to New Companies, in particular small ones. In order to have a Legal Identity, the Volunteer tutor members have created ‘The Rotarian Volunteers Association for Tutoring’ which is registered in the Register of the Associations of Lombardy.

The evolution of The Virgilio Program stemmed from direct focussed interaction between Rotary and various Public Institutions at a local level, which collate management skill requirements of neo-entrepreneurs, (for example, Chambers of Commerce – Universities – Industrial and Professional Organizations).

